Scholarships & Grants
Phi Kappa Phi awards over $1.3 million in scholarships and grants each year.
Phi Kappa Phi's awards programs help set the society apart from other honoraries.
Phi Kappa Phi annually awards 54
Fellowships of $8,500 each, six of $20,000 each, and two at $35,000 each to
members entering their first year of graduate or professional study. Each Phi Kappa
Phi chapter may nominate one candidate from its chapter to compete for the
Society-wide awards.
Dissertation Fellowships
Each year, Phi Kappa Phi awards 15
Dissertation Fellowships of $10,000 each to members who are in the dissertation
writing stage of doctoral study. All pre-dissertation requirements, including approval
of the dissertation proposal, must be met by the application deadline.
Pioneer Awards
The Pioneer award is designed to recognize undergraduate students for developing the research, engagement, and leadership skills necessary to become a successful scholar. Fifty $1,000 awards are distributed annually.Study Abroad Grants
Phi Kappa Phi awards 125
Study Abroad Grants of $1,00 each are awarded annually. All WVU undergraduate
students with at least a 3.75 cumulative GPA are eligible to apply. PKP membership
is not required for this award.
Love of Learning Awards
Furthering its motto of "
Philosophía Krateítõ Phõtôn," translated as "Let the love of learning rule humanity,"
Phi Kappa Phi funds 200
Love of Learning Awards of $1,000 each annually. These grants are for
post-baccalaureate professional development including, but not limited to, graduate
or professional studies, dissertation writing, career development, and learning-related
travel expenses.
Literacy Grants
Phi Kappa Phi
Literacy Grants of up to $2,500 are available to institutions and individual
members to help fund initiatives that expand literacy.
Scholar and Artist Awards
Phi Kappa Phi's Scholar Award and Artist Award programs recognize individuals who demonstrate the ideals of the society through their activities, achievements, and scholarships. Recipients receive a lifetime PKP membership, recognition citation, and a $1,000 donation to a non-profit cause of their choice.Ray Sylvester Distinguished Service Awards
Ray Sylvester Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals who have provided
sustained, uncompensated volunteer service to others beyond academia. Recipients
receive a lifetime PKP membership, recognition citation, and $1,000 donation to
a non-profit cause of their choice. This award is given once per biennial period.
Mary Todd Sabbatical Award
Targeted at faculty, the Mary Todd Sabbatical Award provides one member a $50,000 award annually to
support a sabbatical year.